Of Holiday Fun and Facts


End of November, beginning of December:

Also spelled Hanukkah. This Jewish festival is from Kislev 25th through Tebet 3rd by the Hebrew calendar, which falls in December or January. Chanukah marks the reconsecration of the temple of Jerusalem after its recapture from the Syrian Greeks in 165 BC. The holiday lasts for eight days. On each day a new candle is lit on an eight branched candelabra called a menorah. This commemorates the miracle recorded in the Talmud
when a one day supply of oil burned for eight days.
Observance begins at sunset on the date indicated and lasts eight days.

December 1st:

AIDS Awareness Day This internationally recognized day is used to increase public awareness about Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This disease threatens everyone, and many hold that the best defense is education about its transmission.

December 3rd:

The word advent, from Latin, means "the coming." For centuries, Advent has been a time of spiritual reflection as well as cheer and anticipation. Even as the Christmas season has become more secular’Äîwith advertisers urging holiday gift-givers to buy and buy some more’ÄîAdvent still brings joy and the observance of ancient customs. Christian families find quiet moments lighting candles in the Advent wreath, and children use Advent calendars to count the days until Christmas.

December 7th:

Pearl Harbor Day
On this day in 1941, the Japanese bombed the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, on Oahu island, Hawaii, resulting in the immediate entry of the United States into World War II. Approximately 2400 Americans were killed and another 1300 were injured. 18 ships were hit and 200 aircraft destroyed. Japanese losses were negligible.

December 10th:
Human Rights Day

Anniversary of the United Nations issuance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
on this day in 1948.

December 12th:
Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Commemorates the appearance of the virgin Mary to an Indian boy in 1531.
Primarily observed in Mexico.

December 21st:

Forefathers' Day
Anniversary of the landing of the Mayflower at Plymouth in 1620.
Day to honor the pioneers who founded this country.

Also on this Day
Winter Solstice.

Day in winter when the night is longest. Official first day of the winter season. This is a significant holiday to pagans, marking the start of the solar year.

December 22nd:

Start of Capricorn astrological sign
Capricorn, the goat.

December 25th:
Christmas, a Christian holiday, commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. The date has been observed since the 4th century. Its date was chosen to counter the pagan winter solstice festival, observed on the same date. The Christmas season is observed through generosity, compassion, kindness and well wishing. Traditions include the group singing, festive dinner with family and friends, egg nog, special cookies and a Christmas tree decorated with delicate ornaments and lights. These traditions differ markedly between nations. Legend holds that on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus delivers gifts to all the good children around the world. On Christmas day, gifts are exchanged between family members. Traditional and Eastern churches observe the twelve days of Advent, from Christmas to Epiphany on January 6.

December 26th through January 1st:

A several day festival, typically observed by the review of African American heritage and community values. Gifts may be exchanged among family on or before the last day. Created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Ron Karenga. This holiday includes a significant number of observed days and traditional objects which cannot be satisfactorily covered in any depth in this limited space.

First weekday after Christmas:
Boxing Day

Day to give Christmas gifts to service providers such as servants,
postal delivery person and trash collector.

December 31st:

New Year's Eve
Last day of the year. Typically observed with a countdown to midnight, at which time one kisses the nearest person. Celebrations typically include confetti and champagne

From my home to yours
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year