Of Holiday Fun and Facts


June 1st


Shavuot is a Jewish harvest festival, the Feast of Weeks. Shavuot begins Thursday,June 01, 2006 at sundown and ends Saturday, June 03, 2006 at nightfall this year.

June 4th

The Day of Pentecost is the occasion on which pious Jews from all over the new Christian world gathered to celebrate "The Feast of Weeks," probably just months after the crucifixion of Jesus. That Feast was a Jewish festival (all of the first Christians were also Jews) at which first fruits were offered to God. On this day, a miracle occurred: tongues of flame lighted on each person...AND each person spoke their own native tongue but, miraculously, everybody understood everybody else!

June 5th
World Environment Day

Day to reflect on environmental concerns worldwide.
This date marks the anniversary of the first UN Conference on Human Environment in 1972

June 6th


Anniversary of the Allied troops invasion of the Normandy region of France in 1944

June 11th

Kamehameha Day

Commemorates the victories of Kamehameha I
(1758-1819) of Hawaii. He and his descendants united
and ruled the Hawaiian Islands
until their annexation by the United States in 1898.

June 14th

Flag Day

In 1949 Congress designated this day as national Flag Day.
It commemorated adoption by the Continental Congress
in 1777 of the Stars and Stripes as the national flag.
Some schools observe the day with instruction
in flag etiquette and flag-raising ceremonies.

June 18th

Father's Day

A Day to honor and be kind to fathers

June 19th


Date on which the freedom of the slaves was formally
announced in Texas in 1865, more than two years
after Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and
two months after the end of the Civil War

June 20th
Emancipation Day

Day observing the end of slavery in the United States. President Lincoln
declared all slaves free on January 1st, 1863

June 21st

Start of Cancer astrological sign

Cancer, the crab

Also on this date:
Summer solstice

Day in summer when the day is longest.
Official start of the summer season

June 23rd
Midsummer Eve

This holiday observed in Europe,
celebrates the return of summer

June 24th

St. John the Baptist Day

Feast day honoring the Jewish prophet who preceded Jesus

Have A Safe And Wonderful Summer
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