Of Holiday Fun and Facts


May 1st

May Day

Also European Labor Day
Equivalent to U.S. Labor day. Day to honor workers.
Particularly observed by communist nations.

May 2nd

National Teachers Day

Part of National Teachers Week,
sponsored by the National Educators Association.
Day to honor and be kind to teachers.

May 5th

Cinco De Mayo

This day commemorates a major victory
by the outnumbered and under-armed Mexican army,
against the occupying French, on May 5th of 1862.
"Cinco de Mayo" is Spanish for May 5th.

May 8th

Harry S Truman's Birthday

The 33rd president of the U.S. (1945-1953),
who presided during the Cold War and Korean War.
Known for the New Deal economic policies.
He was born in Lamar, MO in 1884 and
died on December 26th, 1972 in Kansas City, MO.

Also on this day
V-E Day
Victory in Europe day. Commemorates Germany's surrender
in World War II, 1945

May 14th

Mother's Day

Day to honor and be kind to mothers.
Created in 1914 by a proclamation from President Woodrow Wilson.

May 15th

Police Memorial Day

A day to honor police killed while on duty.

Also On This Day
Armed Forces Day

Day to honor the U.S. combined armed forces.

May 21st

Gemini, the twins

Start of Gemini astrological sign

May 22th
Victoria Day (Canada)

Queen Victoria's birthday,
formerly known as "Empire Day".
Observed in some fashion in many Commonwealth Countries.

May 25th
Ascension Day

Commemorates the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven

May 29th

Memorial Day

Formerly called Decoration Day,
observed since the civil war.
This day Honors United States military personnel
who died in wars.
Typically observed by flying flags at half mast,
and ceremonies at veteran's graves.

We All Know that Memorial Day
Is the Start of SUMMER and Bar B Que's

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